Hi! I’m Vishwas.


Embedded C, Verilog


Electronics Design

Hardware design


Noobie photography with my pixel


Loves Tech Quiz

Product Design

Innovative product design


Hobby artist


May 2024 – Present
Sunnyvale, CA, USA

Hardware Engineering Intern


Google Responsibilities include:

  • Signal Integrity Analysis of High Speed Cables and PCBs for next generation data centers and AI compute.
April 2019 – July 2023

Lead R & D Engineer(Hardware Design)

Tejas Networks

tejas Responsibilities include:

  • Design and development of High Speed Network Switches
  • Designing multilayer high speed PCBs
  • Verilog programming for the FPGAs
  • Signal Integrity Simulations for the PCBs
April 2018 – March 2019

Research Assistant - Hardware design

Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems, IISc

rbccps Responsibilities include:

  • Designed system for precision landing of drones using Ultra Wide Band Localisation (UWB)
  • Autonomous Drone Charging Pad
  • Designed robotic arms and grippers using smart materials

Got an amazing opprtunity to work under Prof. Bhardwaj Amrutur, Dr. Ashish Joglekar and Dr. Josephine Ruth on various things like UWB localisation, Autonomous drone charging and robotic manipulators & end effectors. Rakshit Ramesh mentored me in UWB localisation project. iisc2

July 2017 – April 2018
IISc, Bangalore

Hardware Design Engineer

Openwater.in Pvt. Ltd

openwater Responsibilities: Designed electronics systems for automated water treatment and filtration units.

The company works on solving water crisis problem in urban area by treating it and recycling it. It was a great opptortunity for me to learn various aspects of system design and product design under the guidance of Prof. Sanjiv Sambandan, Karthik Raghunandan and K Sharath Karanth

openwater2 Image Source: Economic Times

March 2017 – May 2017
IISc, Bengaluru

Intern - Hardware Design

FEL -Instrumentation and Applied Physics Department


Responsibilities: Designed wireless flow sensor and current sensor network.

Recent Posts

Course work: ECEN 5534 Signal Integrity Measurements

si_class I got an opportunity to learn form signal integrity guru Prof. Eric Bogatin focusing on high speed signal integrity measurements and analysis. In this calss I learnt how to use VNA, ADS and some fundamentals of signal integrity measurements

Course work: ECEN 5730 Practical PCB Design Manufacture

pcb_class During my first semester in the HSDE Masters program, I completed this course that provided a comprehensive learning experience from mastering the best design practices to utilizing various lab instruments effectively

I gave a talk on IoT and Edge AI JUNE - 2023

seminar_kota I conducted a workshop on Internet of things and Edge AI for 11th standard students at my Alma mater Viveka Pre University College, Kota, Udupi. Students discussed their ideas and how they can implement them using opensource tools.

Ham Radio Contest JULY - 2022

ham_radio I participated in the annual HAM Radio competition here in Bengaluru and was able to make as many as 30 connections through the line of sight and repeater-assisted transmission. For the event, I used my homemade 4-element Yagi Antenna. ham_antenna

I gave a talk on Edge AI - March 2022

I got an opportunity to give a talk on “Introduction to Edge AI” to 60+ 2nd Year Engineering Students of NIT AP, India. Introduced them to amazing tools like #edgeimpulse #SensiML #Brainium and #AIfES webinar_nitap

Our paper got published in IEEE CONECCT 2021

Our paper Agrosquad - An IoT-based precision agriculture using UAV and low-power soil multi-sensor got published at IEEE-CONECCT 2021 Conference. agrosquad

I rescued a white cheecked barbet

I wrote a writeup so that it might help someone someday. bird

As alumni, I and Shashank Punia had the opportunity to conduct a webinar explaining industry-specific case studies on the application of digital electronics.

The agenda was to cover the key concepts that we as hardware engineers deal with in our work environments. I believe that we can always share our experience and knowledge to ensure that the students get the right information demanded by the industry. It’s always a pleasure to go back to college. As an alumnus, I am proud to give back to the place that has had such a positive influence on my career. bit_ec

After a lot of struggle and back & forth emails to the Wireless Planning Commission, I finally received my Amateur Radio License on Friday, 18th of September 2020.

Here’s my call sign: VU3TEY. vu3tey

My article Azure in Industrial IoT made it to the Microsoft Source News Letter.


Robust and Scalable Techniques for TWR and TDoA-based localization using Ultra Wide Band Radios

uwb Our work on UWB-based localisation is up on Arxiv.

Azure in Industrial IoT

My article on Azure in Industrial IoT was selected among the top 20 articles in a competition organised by KonfHub

A talk on our hackathon experience !

talk Delivered a talk on our hackathon experience and how one can utilize opportunities during their bachelor’s degree at my Alma mater Bangalore Institute of Technology. Shared my experience with current students about how a hardware-based prototype will help one to understand the inner workings of a product. All this was possible because of my college mates and hackathon partners Hansum Krishna, Shashank Punia and Asif Sajjad for 30+ hackathons and much more.. way to go team.!

A Free workshop on Open source electronics - 21 July 2019

workshop I conducted a workshop on open source electronics for 11th standard students at my Alma mater Viveka Pre University College, Kota, Udupi. The response was very good, students started giving life to their innovative ideas with the help of an arduino microcontroller and basic electronics. I’m very happy that some even won awards at project exhibition competitions organised by nearby engineering colleges.

LoRa - Long-range Communication for IoT

I wrote an article on Devopedia.org which is a group of like-minded engineers in Bengaluru where we discuss the latest technologies and conduct workshops on them. Lora


Inaugurating & Conducting workshops at ELICIT Science Fest - 2016

I was fortunate to get in touch with entrepreneur Ram Prakash H who was listed among the top 20 India Innovators under 35 by MIT TR35 for the innovation Quillpad technology which was later deployed by Rediff.com, Indiatimes, AADHAAR, LG, Yahoo Inc etc.

I got an opportunity to work with him in organising various events at his GR Lavender Apartment’s Science Fest - ELICIT 2016, including a workshop using Balsa Wood Glider, DIY Den for teaching kids how to use an Arduino, A TicTacToe Playing robot using image processing e.t.c. Also, I got an opportunity to inaugurate the ELICIT 2016 using my homemade drone. elicit

Arduino Day 2015

This is where all started, I always wanted to build a plane with a custom transmitter and receiver and I was able to do it with the help of Arduino. Luckily I got a chance to showcase my project at Arduino Day 2015. This event helped me a lot in terms of career opportunities, I got many contacts from this event which helped me in involving the open-source community. Arduplane


LoRa based air quality monitor - 5 blogs

A self sustained LoRa based Air Quality monitor using MKRWAN 1300 lora_air_quality

Smart Beehive monitoring systems


Tele Vaidya - A remote health diagnosis sytem


Opensource Vitals monitoring wearable


UPS for WiFi Router


NeoSense - Neonatal baby breath rate monitoring system


Yes I Can - Interactive Teaching assistant for specially abled kids

January 2020 - Current YIC

PyroLight - Smart attachemt for existing switch triggered by a Pyro Sensor

January 2020 - Current PyroLight

Azure Smart Energy meter with IoT locker

October 2019 - November 2019


Jeeva - AI based smart assist for elderly

September 2019 - November 2019


Vega - Drone Health Monitoring Systems

April 2019 to August 2019


IGo-Advanced Driver Assist System

February 2019 to March 2019



February 2019 to March 2019


Smart Soft Switch

November 2018 to January 2019 switch

Smart switch based on Infineon’s CoolMOS MOSFET for spark-free switching of drones and electric vehicles

IEncode Intelligent Encoder for Industrial Motors

Aug. 2018 to Sept. 2018


Predictive maintenance of Industrial motors using Infineon’s high precision 3D magnetic sensor TLE-493D


Predictive maintenance based IoT solution which can pinpoint manhole clogging in an urban drainage system thereby preventing manual inspections sewersway Sept. 2018 to Present

UWB based localisation for drones

uwb Apr. 2018 to Present

Localisation of drones in GPS denied environments

Automation and Data Acquisition from sensors of filtration unit

July 2017 to Apr. 2018

Embedded System for sensing water quality and other parameters and controlling the water treatment plant

Simultaneous localization and mapping using a Kinect in an indoor environment

Jan. 2017 to Apr. 2017

The algorithms that build maps of an unknown environment and simultaneously perform localization in that region.

Agro squad

agrosquad Aug. 2016 to Present

A complete agriculture surveillance and monitoring system with digital image processing.


Oct. 2016 to Present drix Smart driver assistant system with pattern recognition and sensors


Feb. 2017 to Mar. 2017

Modular case for smartphone which can be used to control IoT devices.


Azure Devstories article contest

My article Azure in Industrial IoT was selected as one of the top 20 articles among 80+ articles received for the competition.

Think ON Design Challenge by Element14.com and ON Semiconductor

May 2020 Best Healthcare Application

Tranform your thinking by ON Semiconductor

April 2020 Runner Up

Make sense of our proximity sense by kemet

March 2020 Won 3rd Prize

Bring Intelligence to the Real world by Microsoft, Avnet, Octonian and Hackster.io

September 2019 Won the 1st prize for ‘BEST USE CASE FOR REAL LIFE PRACTICAL APPLICATION’

Revolutionize Your IoT prototyping by NXP and Hackster.io

March 2019 Won best project award in SMART BUILDING category


ReImagine Waste, CPDM, IISc. Sept. 2018 Won the special prize in the hackathon

Sensing the world in all three dimensions Infineon Technologies and Hackster.io

Sept. 2018 Won best project award in industrial category.

International Ericsson Innovation Awards May 2017

Ericsson Semifinalist in the International Ericsson Awards 2017.

MediaTek International IoT Challenge Feb.

MediaTek and Angelhack 2017 - 3rd Prize

CeBIT IoT Hackathon Dec. 2016

CeBIT India Winner of national level IoT hackathon cebit

Hack.Bangalore Hackathon

Mercedes Benz Research and Development India, Best Geek Group Oct. 2016

ABB Makeathon

BMSCE and ABB Sept. 2016 Hackathon organised by BMSCE on the occasion of their college fest Phaseshift.

Engineering Quiz May 2016

Chopra’s, Brain Box Quizzing, 2nd Prize

International Ericsson Innovation Awards 2017

April 2017 Semifinalist, team AGROSQUAD agrosquad

TCS Techbytes

May 2017 2nd prize winner in tech quiz.

RC Robo Racing

Jan. 2016 - Mar. 2016 DSC_7692 Indian Institute of Science, PESIT Bangalore, NMIT Bangalore. Grabbed First prize at Pravega, Aatmatrisha and Anaadyanta techno-cultural fests of respective colleges.

Wright Brothers Award

Indian Institute of Science Feb. 2015 Won First prize in designing fixed wing aircraft on the occasion of Open Day 15

Interested in my projects ? Check out my channel on
